
Mediadent Reporter : Adding letters to your patient file

Keep all your patients documents in one place

The Mediadent Report generator is an integrated text processor that allows you to create document and document templates with the patient’s information.

The documents created in the Report generator can contains the patient’s information and the patient’s images.

It can also be used to create templates of official documents.

Examples of these documents are forwarding letters to other specialists like orthodontics and other doctors.

So any document can be created and stored together with the patient information.

The Mediadent Report generator works like a text processor and shows the available fields like patient name, address, birthday etc … and integrates these fields into the documents.

From the Report generator you get access to the patient’s image library, so these can also be added to your document.

Add you own templates

The Mediadent Reporter module has a number of predefined templates like forwarding letter for other specialists or invitations for appointments.

You can also create your own templates.

It is possible to add templates of official documents. 

Create your own fill-in form and the patient information (name, address …) is added automatically.


Save time and use the Autotext function

With the unique Autotext function you can quickly add standard text just by typing the abbreviations.

For example by typing ‘pdl’ in the letter, the full text ‘periodental ligament’ will be added to the document.

This will allow you quickly create your documents based on standard paragraphs.

Another advantage is that you can create your own Autotext by adding your own abbreviations and full text.

Easy document sharing

The documents created with the Mediadent Report generator can be shared with the patients or other specialists. Sending the documents via e-mail directly from the Report generator is easy to do. The reports can also be exported, for example in pdf format and stored in the patient’s image library.

The Mediadent Reporter module is an additional module.

Please contact your local distributor for more information or contact us.

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